Afia Rezk
with framing : 50 x 50 cm
Syrian artist Afia Rezk, who has been living in France since 2018, is both a visual artist and a teacher. Trained in art therapy and emergency support, she has been accompanying children and women victims of the war in Syria since 2012 to help them psychologically and through the prism of art. In her works, the artist uses organic materials such as plants, flowers and seeds. She uses them in traditional craft techniques, evoking both the landscapes of her country and the memory of her culture.
A powerful symbol of freedom, wildflowers grow wherever they are with exceptional resilience and strength, which resonates strongly with the ordeal of war. The Ginko tree, present in one of the works on display, is thus an ode to extraordinary life as it is the only tree to have survived the nuclear bomb in 1945.
The Caring Gallery is committed to donating 10% of the sale of this work to the partner association of the exhibition.