To meet, exchange and enrich yourself with the testimonies of those who are moving the lines. The Caring Gallery brings together its network of committed actors in all sectors of activity with a simple objective: to inspire, in the setting of its exhibitions, those who want to put the common good at the heart of their professional activity. As the first gallery with a social and environmental vocation, The Caring Gallery wishes to bring together, around the inspiring works it exhibits, all the actors who act for a more sustainable and fairer world: committed companies (B Corp, with a mission, CAC ESG, with an impact...), NGOs, artists and cultural professionals... For one evening, enrich your network, your ideas and your sensitivity.
SpeakerS :
"Commitments and purpose: is the company becoming political?
By GUILLAUME JUBIN, founding partner of WEMEAN, Positive Consulting®.
How do companies commit and embody their commitments today? How will they do it tomorrow? What are the practices observed among FT120 startups and large SBF120 companies? Impacted by the rise of political issues related to "living together" or to the major geopolitical balances, how can their CSR strategy now absorb complex strategic and political choices? WEMEAN, a positive consultancy, works with managers and companies to help them give meaning and impact to their actions, to enhance their responsibility and commitment, and to meet society's new expectations.
"How can design change the world?"
By DOMINIQUE SCIAMMA, Founder and Director of CY School of Design
It is urgent to rethink our models without giving up on the human project of emancipation and social harmony. The new generations are asking for it. To do this, we must mobilize and articulate all types of knowledge, all disciplines, to think, create, design and produce sustainable solutions at all levels of our lives. Alongside academics, engineers, and managers, CY École de Design trains the designers the world needs, capable of embracing all the challenges of human life, and even more so of the living.
"Why has the SOS Group just launched respect magazine? "
By STEVEN HEARN, founder of Scintillo and director of development for the SOS Culture Group
Commitment and action today are no longer options, but a necessity. Everyone, at his or her own level, can be an actor of change. With the launch on March 15 of the Respect media, the SOS Group is honoring those who are committed to changing the world on a daily basis. The first issue brings together 50 personalities who, through their talent, their work and their commitment, have made progress in society. The SOS Group is a non-profit group and a major player in the social and solidarity economy in Europe.