
  • THE CARING GALLERY, What we do


    What we do

    We put companies in touch with the french and international artists who bear witness to today's major environmental and societal issues, and help them to put in place virtuous artistic systems for their communication and their CSR commitments: commissioning works, physical and virtual exhibitions, tailor-made collaborations, speaking engagements at events, and so on.


    We hold regular exhibitions to publicise the work of these 'committed' artists and involve NGOs in our development by donating part of our income to them.


    Our mission is "to make art a lever for mobilisation and action in the service of a more sustainable and fairer world". This mission is enshrined in our articles of association, as the leading company with a mission in the French art market.

  • What can we do for you ?

    • Artistes/Artists


      FR : Partagez avec les amateurs d'art et les entreprises votre façon de voir le monde, de vous soucier des autres, de la nature et de notre avenir commun. Nous nous efforçons de combiner notre vision Art + Care à une réelle exigence artistique. Cette exigence fait partie de notre engagement à vos côtés. 

      EN: Share with art buyers and companies your way of seeing the world and caring about others, nature and our common future. We strive to combine Art + Care at the best possible artistic level. This requirement is part of our commitments alongside you. 

    • Entreprises / Companies

      Entreprises / Companies

      FR : Rendez vos engagements RSE plus visibles et plus impactants pour tous. Nous mettons vos équipes en relation avec des artistes qui créent spécifiquement sur les grandes problématiques de l'environnement, de l'éducation, de l'exclusion, du bien-être, du sexisme ou de la diversité.  Découvrez notre gamme de solutions Art x Care !

      EN : Make your CSR commitments more visible and impactful for everyone. We put your teams in touch with artists who create specifically on the major issues of the environment, education, exclusion, well-being, sexism or diversity. Discover our range of Art x Care solutions!

    • Collectionneurs / Art lovers & collectors

      Collectionneurs / Art lovers & collectors

      FR : Découvrez des œuvres d'art qui correspondent à vos goûts artistiques mais aussi à ce qui compte pour vous dans la vie. Notre équipe est composée d'experts en art contemporain liés aux grands événements artistiques du monde entier et à ses acteurs.
      EN : Discover artworks that speak to your artistic tastes but also to what matters to you in life. Our team is made up of contemporary art experts connected to major artistic events around the world and to its actors. 

    • Associations / Charities

      Associations / Charities

      FR : Collectez des fonds grâce à nos projets Art + Care ou créons ensemble de nouvelles collaborations avec des artistes engagés.
      EN : Collect funds thanks to our Art + Care Projects or create together new collaborations with committed artists.

    • Galeries & Institutions

      Galeries & Institutions

      FR : Placez la démarche Care au cœur de votre mission et laissez-la irriguer vos projets artistiques et les relations avec vos publics. Nous serions heureux de vous aider à y parvenir.
      EN : Place the Care approach at the heart of your mission and let it irrigate your artistic projects and the relations with your audiences. We would be happy to help you make that happen.

    • Qu'a-t-on oublié ?

      Qu'a-t-on oublié ?

      FR : L'approche Care consiste à agir en prenant soin de soi, des autres et du monde. Un défi ! Nous collaborons avec tous ceux qui partagent notre engagement afin de créer de nouveaux projets artistiques.

      EN : The Care approach consists of acting by taking care of yourself, of others and of the world. Challenging! We collaborate with all those who share our vision to create new Caring Art Projects. 

  • WHY ART ?

    Activists, artists, NGOs, entrepreneurs: they have come to testify to the virtuous impact of the artistic experience in meeting today's individual and collective challenges.
  • Care // "Activity characteristic of the human species, which covers everything we do in order to maintain, perpetuate and repair our world, so that we can live in it as well as possible. This world includes our bodies, our people, and our environment, all that we seek to link together in a complex network in support of life.” Joan Tronto, American philosopher "A Political Argument for an Ethic of Care" (1993)